
DOUBLE ULTRA TRIATHLON Bad Radkersburg – Morgenstund hat Sieg im Mund

DOUBLE ULTRA TRIATHLON Bad Radkersburg – Morgenstund hat Sieg im Mund

Wer den Zieleinlauf des Gewinners des 1. Double Ultra Triathlon Bad Radkersburg live verfolgen hat wollen, der musste früh aufstehen oder lange wach bleiben. Um exakt 5:12 konnte sich der Top-Favorit Rait Ratasepp (Estland) nach hartem Fight als Sieger feiern lassen. Ratasepp, einer der Superstars der Triathlonszene, beendete den Bewerb, der über die doppelte Ironman-Distanz […]

Early Bird price prolonged until June 7

Early Bird price prolonged until June 7

We know how it feels to prepare and look forward to a competition that then cannot take place due to the Corona pandemic. Due to the cancellation of the Swissultra Triathlon, many athletes are now looking for an alternative. Therefore, we have decided to waive our June 1 price jump and would like to give […]

The registration is open!

The registration is open!

Dear Ultratriathletes! A very intensive phase lies behind us and ahead of us. Even though the idea of a Double Ultra Triathlon had been lurking in our heads for some time, it was now a very last-minute decision to hold the event as early as 2021. After all the cancellations of ultra events, we wanted […]